The links below will connect you to my YouTube videos. The first five were created to generate visual interest in some of my original compositions. The remaining five are more spiritual in nature and were created to garner interest in my religious work from members of the Church Music Publishers Association.

Jason Bourne was one of Ludlum's most popular characters. I was delighted when movies were made of his books, but surprised when they showed up in theaters without a memorable theme song. That didn't seem right to me. So I set out to correct the situation, at least for myself. The intent, here, was to create a theme with a Bond-like atmosphere, but with a distinct melody line all its own. The song is featured on my "Getting Wired" album.

Christopher Walken is one of my favorite actors. He really has little to do with the "Walkin' Easy" piece I wrote for my "Getting Wired II" album. But the whimsical melody of the song and the wide variety of Walken's many different roles just seemed to go hand in hand. So hand in hand I put them.

Of all the melodies I've had stuck in my head over the years, this was one that poured itself on to the keyboard as fast as my creative abilities were able to push it. It is used here to accompany a partial listing of AFI's "100 Years...100 Passions," a list of the top 100 greatest love stories in American cinema. The song is featured on my "Getting Wired" album.

At over ten minutes in length, "A Gift For Veronica" is the longest song on my "Getting Wired II" album. It was created, along with this whimsical, animated video, as a gift for my daughter Ronnie, who had been taking piano lessons for a number of years. Multiple melody lines are presented as the screen images shift from one scene to another in sync with what is being offered to the ears. (For any "Amigaphiles" still out there, the video was created using Deluxe Paint III on an accelerated Amiga 500.)