Conductor's Scores

Among the 65 singles I've released since I began walking down this musical road in 2013, I've created three that are specifically designed for choral or choir groups: "Recessional," "Sit Down By The River," and "We Are Longing For You."  

I've always intended to create conductor's scores for these three pieces, but, up until now, I've not had the time to do so.  But I'm pleased to announce that that work has now been completed.  

If you'd like to see if one or more of my compositions would be suited for use with your choir or choral group, just drop an e-mail request to me at: .  (Please include your first and last names, as well as the name and address of your choir/choral group.)  I'll be happy to send you via return e-mail a .pdf version of the conductor's score(s) of your choice for your review.

Of course, there will be no charge.

--- Paul Kledzik